Believe Also In Me
“Let not your heart be troubled, You believe in God, believe also in me.” St. John 14:1.
Jesus spoke these words to his disciples prior to his crucifixion. He had already told them that he must go to Jerusalem to be killed, and would suffer many things. The hour is come that the Son of Man should be glorified. That one of them would betray him, that if he was lifted up, he would draw all men unto him. He had told them that he was going away, and they could not follow him at that time. And they didn’t understand any of what he was saying. It was understandable why he should say, “Let not your heart be troubled.” But why did he say, “You believe in God, believe also in me”?
These were the same disciples that walked with him for over three years. Seen the miracles, heard his teachings, was even given power to go forth and do likewise.
Why these words? Jesus knew many did not believe he was the Christ, St. John 12:37. Then when some of his followers didn’t understand his teaching, they walked away from him, St. John 6:66. “You believe in God”, yes they did. They were Jews, who believed in the God of Israel. Who knew the Temple still stood in Jerusalem. Who knew about the Law of Moses, and animal sacrifice. Who adhered to strict dietary laws. Yes, you believe in God, “BELIEVE ALSO IN ME.”
Judas will betray me, but you keep believing. Peter, you will deny me, but I’ve prayed for you that your faith won’t fail, you keep believing in me. I will be mocked, spit on, whipped, but you keep believing in me. I will be nailed to the cross, and you will hear me cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!”, for the scripture must be fulfilled, (Psalm 22), but believe also in me. No matter what you see or hear, no matter what the accusers say, or the names they call me. When you see the blood flowing from the whipping, and the piercing from the crown of thorns, you still keep believing in Who I Am!
When the crowd cries out, “If you be the Son of God, come down from the cross and we will believe”, when you hear the chief priests say “Crucify him!” You keep believing! You believe in God, believe also in me!
Even now, 2,000 year’s later, When heartache comes, when sorrow floods your soul, when persecution arises, you keep believing. When you bury loved ones, and sickness overtakes you, keep believing in Him. When prayers seem to go unanswered and the heavens seem silent, and many are still walking away, keep Believing!
And you keep believing what he’s already said, “ I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also, and I WILL come again, and receive you unto myself.”
Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, Believe also in me.
God bless.