I Will Take Your Word For It
We all know someone that we cannot believe anything they say, and there are others we take what they say with a grain of salt, but there are some we know that when they say something, we can take their word to be true.
The Bible falls into this last category...God, falls into this last category...
Jesus said his words are Spirit and they are Life. We know that everything the Lord said, to be the Truth, because he is the Truth..we know that we can rely upon his word without needing any more evidence. We simply take God at his word. We take His word for it, because it is impossible for Him to lie.
God told Abram, in Gen. 12, to get out of his country, and away from his kindred, and go to a land that I will show you. V.2-3, God tells him why. V.4 says So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken. Abram dared to believe the word of the Lord, and left his country, as God had said.
Gen. 6..God told Noah that he would destroy men off the earth, to make an ark, then he tells Noah how to build the ark. And thus did Noah, according to all that God commanded, and he seen the flood come to pass.
1 Kings 17:9..God tells Elijah to go dwell in Zaraphath, and tells him why. V.10 And he arose and went to Zaraphath and was sustained by the widow woman just as God said.
After a night of fishing, and not a nibble, Jesus told Peter to cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you will find, and in doing so, the net became overloaded with fish.
A centurion in Capernaum, which had a very sick servant, on the verge of death, sent elders to Jesus, saying, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but just say in a word, and my servant will be healed! And it came to pass! Just speak it, and I will take your word for it!
In the same city, a nobleman had a son also near death, approached Jesus, come heal my son before he dies. And Jesus said unto him, go thy way, thy son lives, and the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.
Not only did the nobleman believe, but when the son was healed, his whole household also believed!
Taking God at his word means that you trust him with your whole heart, and you don’t waver in your faith, even when it seems like the opposite of what he said is happening. But you stand strong in the word of God, in faith believing, and faith increasing! Take God at his word, for thy Word is Truth, O Lord!
God bless