The Word is Alive

Matthew 13:3-22.. And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold a sower went forth to sow.

From here, Jesus gives four types of ground that the seed, which is the Word, falls upon.

Some seed fell by the wayside, some fell upon stoney places, some fell among thorns, and some fell into good ground. Then he gives the reason why the seed fell where it did.

Jesus said in St.John 10:10, That the thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.

The seed that fell by the wayside, Jesus said, are those that the wicked one snatched away what was sown in his heart. Because the  thief  came to steal. The seed that fell upon Stoney places, are those who have no root in himself, because there is no deepness of earth. Because the thief came to destroy. The seed that fell among thorns, are those whose thorns choked the seed. Because the thief came to kill. But there is ground, that is good ground, that has been broken up, that is fertile, that seed fell into, and this ground brings forth fruit in abundance. These are those who hear the Word, and understands the Word, and the Word comes alive in their heart, and the seed of the Word grows, comes forth and bears much fruit.

The Word is alive in our hearts!

Jesus said “My words are Spirit and they are life”. Apostle John said Jesus was the Word made flesh, and dwelt among them. That’s why he also said “I come to give life, and that more abundantly.”

The Scriptures are life, because they were written as the Holy Ghost moved upon men. They are the inspired Word of God. The Bible says  that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. His Word is True, Life, Anointed, Inspired!

His Word is hope, help, strength, comfort, peace, joy, salvation, healing! His Word is Alive!

Whatever you are facing in your life, whatever need you have, there is a Word of Life, a Word of encouragement for you. There is a scripture that can lift you up, build your faith, help you face tomorrow, bring you comfort, joy, peace! God’s Word will never pass away, but will remain throughout all eternity. Read his Word, hope in his Word, stand on his Word, claim his Word, search out his Word! Let the seed of his Word fall into good ground, For His Word is Alive!

Deuteronomy 28:1-13…Isaiah 61:1-3..54:17…Philippians 4:6;13;19..Romans 8:11;16-18;28;31;35;37-39..Exodus 15:26..Psalm chapters 23..34..37..103..Matthew 28:20...Luke 6:38…Hebrews 13:5-6.

God bless.


The Word of God


All Spiritual Blessings