Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Sarah laughed when she heard the Lord tell Abraham, “Sarah, thy wife shall have a son.” (Gen. 18:10). Her thoughts were on the outward appearance, we are too old, I am post menopausal. If I couldn’t have a baby twelve years ago, how am I going to have one now? I had to give my maid Hagar to Abraham to raise up seed in my place, so how shall I bear a child now, which am old? Sarah didn’t realize that the Lord heard her, and spoke “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?”

We’ve all had a Sarah moment. When we seem to keep our eyes on the circumstances, on our situation, on the bad news coming through main stream media,,,we look at the economy, the shortages, the viruses, bad doctors reports, the rampant drug addictions and overdoses. We see evil everywhere, storms, floods, earthquakes, drought, and so on. So when the Lord speaks, we question, how is that going to happen? But God is asking you, “Is there any thing too hard for God?” “Is there anything that I can’t turn around, build up, tear down, make new?” “Is any situation impossible for me to move in?” “Do you think I don’t see all and know all?” “Where were you, (insert your name), when I laid the foundation of the earth?” (Job 38:4) Is there any thing too hard for the Lord? What is your response to this question?

If you really believe God can do all things, then stop worrying about this life, or the future, and just simply trust Him.

If you are having any doubt, then read the Bible, read where God performed miracles, read how He created the whole Universe, hung this world on nothing (job 26:7). Read how he healed sickness, drove back enemies. Sent hailstones down from heaven, let the Sun stand still and kept the moon from coming forth so the battle could be finished, caused an axe head to float to the top of the water to be retrieved. Let a piece of wood with no life in it produce flowers. Parted the Red Sea, even caused the sea bed to become dry, so the children of Israel wouldn’t get bogged down in the mud with their families, animals and carts. Caused the muddy Jordan River to cleanse the leper, Naaman. Sent a chariot of fire and whirlwind to translate Elijah to heaven. Kept Noah and his family safe through the flood, brought Lot and his family out of destruction. The plagues of Egypt! Oh my!. Let water gush forth out of a rock, sent manna from Heaven to feed Israel in the wilderness, (the first curbside service). Opened the earth and swallowed up Moses’ adversaries, caused the sundial to move back for Hezekiah,

Is there anything too hard for God?!! Kept Rahab’s house standing on the wall, while all of Jericho fell, fed Elijah by a bird and angel during famine, then sustained him through a widow who obeyed God.

Jesus turned water into wine, raised the dead, cast out demons, healed all kinds of sickness and disease, calmed storms, fed multitudes!

If you have any doubt, read the Word of God, for they are Spirit and Life, and let it increase your faith. He’s still the same God!

Hebrews 11, known as the Faith chapter, says (v.39), they obtained a good report through faith, how? They learned that nothing was too hard for God, so through faith,(v.33,) they believed and received God working in their life, and they kept the faith till the end, (v.13), these all died in faith.

Is any thing too hard for God? No! God bless.


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