A Way in the Wilderness

Isaiah 43:19; Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

From the beginning of this world, God, our Father, made everything that man would need to survive and live in this world. That’s why Adam wasn’t created until the sixth day. God planned it all out, from day one, and knew what would be needed to sustain humanity. He had everything placed and prepared in this world for the coming creation of man. When a woman learns she is expecting a baby, she starts planning and making preparations for the day that baby will enter the world. Our Father did that at the beginning. Everything Adam needed to live in this world was already here when God breathed the breath of life in him.

When God called Israel out of Egypt bondage, and placed them in the wilderness, He provided everything they needed to sustain them for forty years. Manna from heaven, water flowing from the Rock, he made sure their shoes that didn’t wear out, clothes that didn’t get threadbare, their feet did not swell, healing that came when needed, protection from the scorpions, fiery serpents, drought. Deuteronomy chapters. 8 & 28.

This is the same in our spiritual walk with the Lord. He has prepared the way for us from the time we are brought out of sins grip (Egypt bondage), until we take our last breath. He has already paved the way through the strait gate that leads to life eternal, if we dare to enter in. God has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, and great and precious promises, that by these promises, we might be partakers of His divine nature. And with these things, we are to add to our faith... 2 Peter 1:1-8

Our Lord has already made the way for us. A way of life, a way of peace, a way of joy, salvation, forgiveness, holiness, mercy, compassion, grace, eternal life. He has made for us, a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

God bless.


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