Salt and Water
By Mary Pettit
Pearl of Great Price Tabernacle
In order to maintain life, there are two things that are essential: salt and water. From the book of Genesis and all the way through Revelation, the Bible consistently speaks of water. Matthew 5:13 tells us we are the salt of the earth. Salt and water are necessities. The Bible tells us in Genesis and Revelation that there is a river flowing from the throne of God.
This living water heals, restores, cleanses and changes us. Our nervous systems require salt. The book of Mark tells us to “have salt in yourselves.” It’s necessary to be salted or seasoned with fire for the believer to be purified. Salt and water purify and cleanse. When the Bible mentions leprosy, many times it doesn’t say they were “healed,” it says they were “clean.” In 2 Kings 5 Naaman was told to wash in the Jordan River 7 times and he would be clean.
In Leviticus 2:13 every oblation of meat offering had to be seasoned with salt, because there was a salt covenant with Godand it could not be lacking from the offering. Salt and water heal. John 5:2-9 speaks of a man who was by a pool known as Bethesda. When an angel moved the waters whoever stepped in the pool first was healed. The moving living water heals. This moving living water is power, and that power comes from Jesus Christ.
Salt can help heal wounds, and in 2 Kings God used salt to heal the water in a barren land. Elisha told the people to bring him a new clean bowl, and he put the salt in this clean vessel to heal the waters. Salt and water renew and restore. In John 4 we hear Jesus tell the Samaritan woman at the well that if she drinks of the living water He provides she will never thirst again, and there will be a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Salt can restore as it cleanses and heals wounds.
Facial scrubs containing salt can restore and cleanse the skin. Salt and water preserve. Revelation tells us those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb shall live forever and be led to the fountains of water. We know salt can preserve food.
Numbers 18:19 tells us of an indissoluble salt covenant with God. But not all salts are created equal. Table salt has been stripped of minerals through processing, leaving it void of any nutrients. If we are to be the salt of the earth, how we will do this if we’ve allowed the enemy and our battles to strip us of all God gave us? Sea salt is contaminated as our oceans become contaminated. Although the package may say “natural” there’s something hidden inside that reveals otherwise. We need to have our hearts pure before God and not have anything hidden in our hearts. Pink Himalayan rock salt is the purest salt. It’s full of minerals our body needs. I pray to be like the Pink Himalayan salt, and that my speech is spoken always with grace seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:6).