
Sis. Leatha Augustus

Obstacles— Anything that gets in the way, or to keep one from going forward.

We face obstacles in this life, and men and women in the Bible were no different, but God brought them through.

In Gen. 3:1-7; The serpent deceived Eve, and when their eyes were open, they knew they had sinned against God, they knew they were naked. Why do we allow the enemy to come into our life and convince us to do the one thing God commanded us not to do? Satan is an obstacle in our life.

In Exodus 1:16-17; the king of Egypt was an obstacle in the lives of the midwives, but they feared God and didn’t do as the king commanded, God made a way out, and dealt well with the midwives. Remember that God will bring you through any obstacle in this life.

Daniels obstacle was the lions den, but God was with him, and brought deliverance. It’s the same with the three Hebrew boys when they were cast in the burning fiery furnace, but a fourth man liken unto the Son of God showed up, and they didn’t even smell like smoke! God moved the obstacle that was placed before them, and what the enemy meant for evil, God brought forth good!

Judges 16:27-30; Samson faced obstacles that were brought through Delilah, but he ended up killing more in the end than he killed while he was alive. God heard his prayer, O Lord God, remember me and give me strength, and God helped him.

God will do the same for you, to help you gain victory and be an overcomer. God knows all things that you face, He sees it all, and will give you strength to endure, and remove them obstacles.

The enemy will tell you that you might as well give up, turn back, throw in the towel, but God has the last say, we will win!

In Luke 19:1-10; We see Zacchæus, who’s obstacle was being little of stature, but wanting to see Jesus, he ran and climbed up in a tree, and it got the Lord’s attention, so Zacchæus had fellowship with Jesus that day, and salvation came to his house, because he didn’t let being short stop him from seeing Jesus.

Hebrews 12:1-2; Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame, he didn’t let any obstacle stop him from doing what he was sent to do. Peter was an obstacle, “No Lord, this isn’t going to happen,” the Pharisees were an obstacle, trying to snare him in his words, his brothers were an obstacle, neither did they believe on him, but Jesus kept on the mission that God had sent him to do, for the joy that was set before him, he overcame every obstacle and endured the cross! Obstacles come to stop, to hinder your progress, to slow you down, but there’s no mountain too high, or valley too low that God will not bring us through, or out of. We can stand, no matter what we go through, stand on that solid Rock Christ Jesus!


Salt and Water


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